
What Do You Believe In?

Image from upsidelearning.com
Faith is unavoidable. Everybody believes in something. There are those who believe that there is no God; there are those who believe that there is one God; there are those who believe that there are many gods, and there are those who believe that the universe (or nature itself) is God.
Those who believe that there is one God have different beliefs about Him. Those who believe that there are many gods have different versions of those gods. Those who believe that everything is God have their own reasons why, and those who believe that there is no God have other beliefs about how life began. 
The atheists, for example, believe that there is no such being as God. Instead, they believe that the universe formed itself in the ways that scientists suggest.
Image from dailygalaxy.com
One of these suggestions is called the ‘Big Bang’ theory. The theory states that the universe began as a single particle which then exploded to form the planets and the stars. However, nobody saw such an event taking place. It is an imaginary event that was proposed by a Belgian Roman Catholic priest known as Georges Lemaître in 1927.
The reason given for this theory is that the universe has been expanding over time. However, this does not prove anything, because there could be a million other reasons why that has been happening. Imagining an answer is the same as composing a fairy tale, and it leaves the door wide open for misinterpretations.
Image from badarchaeology.wordpress.com
Another popular theory is the Evolution theory. The theory states that all life forms came from one common ancestor that slowly developed into the many different animals and plants that we have today. Once again, nobody saw the so-called common ancestor or saw it turning into all the species that exist, and so nobody can say without a doubt that that is what truly happened. The people who came up with this theory did not do so because they know that what they say is what happened. Rather, they BELIEVE that it did. Nobody can swear that the homo-whatever fossils of apes are not simply some extinct types of apes that lived alongside ordinary men and stole their tools. As it is, when speculations are made about something, there is no limit to the great number of ideas and assumptions that people can come up with. However, ideas are ideas, and falling for them just because they sound like a good explanation for something is not the wise thing to do.

I could go on and on about the many beliefs and theories that exist in this world, but that is not the purpose of this post. The purpose of this post is to ask an important question: Are you sure that what you have believed in is true, or have you believed in something that is false? Do you believe in what you believe just because other people told you, or did you take the time to thoroughly research it by yourself and personally find out that it is true? If you did not, how can you be so sure that it is not just an outright lie?

The Heaven's Gate cult mass suicide
Image from 10news.com

In 1997, 39 people committed suicide because they believed that the world was going to end on March 26th of that year. Their leader had told them that the Hale-Bopp comet that had come very close to the earth that year was being followed by a spacecraft, and that they would need to board it by their souls so as to escape this doomed planet. It sounded very sensible and logical to them because they could see the comet and it had never come so close to the earth before, but as fate would have it, they died for nothing. Such is the tragedy of putting ones' faith in something false. It costs the person his or her energy, time, money, effort and even life.

Image from hfa.ucsb.edu
Considering the large number of beliefs that there are in the world, each one being either slightly or greatly different from the other, it is obvious that there are false beliefs and true beliefs. The truth is the truth, and it is not something that changes to suit the whims and preferences of any particular person. If something is, then it is, and if it is not, then it is not. No matter how much someone believes in something that is not true, it will not become true just to suit them. It will remain false no matter how sincere the believer is and no matter how much he or she defends it. For this reason, it is important to first be very sure about what you are believing in before you believe in it. You may end up finding out that you wasted your valuable time, energy, effort and money believing in what you did.

Image from twitter.com
As a Christian, I have come to appreciate the value of knowing my faith well. There are many denominations that subscribe to the Christian faith, but a close look at them reveals quite a number of differences. However, a careful study of the Bible, a practical experience and observation of its principles and promises, and a deep look into the large amount of evidence available concerning what is written in it, gives someone a clear message of what the truth is
The Bible contains an accurate account of many historical events that have been proven, as well as hundreds of accurately fulfilled prophecies. Furthermore, the remaining prophecies are continuing to be fulfilled each day. Some of the websites that describe the truthfulness of the Bible are http://www.creationevidence.org/ and http://www.reasons.org/ . In addition, the presence and power of the God of the Bible is continually manifested in peoples day to day lives. People experience supernatural healing and answers to prayers by calling on the name of Jesus Christ.

As one famous quote says, “The man with an experience is not at the mercy of the man with an argument”. Being absolutely sure of the truth makes someone immune to and able to disprove any elaborate arguments, opinions and deception that they may be presented with.
Having taken the time to establish that what I believe in is absolutely true, I can now confidently testify without any doubt that the God of The Bible is true, that Jesus Christ lives and He is who He said He is, and that The Bible is God's Word.

Every human being has the opportunity and personal responsibility to seek the truth for themselves and not just rely on hearsay, suggestion, tradition, opinion or imagination. As the Bible says, “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” - Hebrews 11:1
Bother to find out more about what is and is not true. Do not live a life that will end up having been a joke on yourself.


  1. Really faith in the Lord Jesus and the truth set out in the bible is the only true faith. It is God's light in the soul.

  2. Hey nuru, It's been a while, I found you through an old blog comment you posted on my blog years ago. I also see you have my old blog link here on your blog! So glad to be back in touch! Hope to hear from you again soon!

    1. Hi! Great to hear from you, and glad that you are still going strong. I am well too. It's been ages since I posted and I definitely need to get the blog back up and running again. Thanks for stopping by. I will definitely keep in touch.


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